Class Testimonials

I love Academy of Burlesque & Cabaret classes for many, many reasons. No matter how bad your day, week or year, when you go to a class you have such fun that for that short period of time you totally switch off and forget your troubles/problems. The exotic and glamorous world of burlesque allows you to indulge your inner diva and dress to impress, and the more sparkly bits and feathers the better!! I also know that many women who attend the classes do so because it improves their self confidence and allows them to re-discover their own sensuality, which is often lost among piles of dirty washing and hoovering, whilst learning how to laugh at themselves. I have made many good friends through the classes – Kim S, burlesque classes Glasgow

When does next term starts, can’t wait, am hooked! Thank you for making my Tuesday evening so much fun, I’ve enjoyed every second – Faye W, burlesque classes Cardiff

Since starting Beginners Burlesque with Academy of Burlesque & Cabaret, my confidence has improved and the poses and walks I’ve learnt have given me better poise. This has shone through at my work as a waitress – so much so, I’ve managed to improve my tips by an extra £60 a day! Thanks to burlesque and with Viva and Gypsy, I’ve found my inner goddess and my friends, family and my fiancé love it! Thank you girls – Amanda M, burlesque classes Glasgow

I have really enjoyed the sessions I have attended and think you’re such an amazing teacher, you make each class a lot of fun – Beca J, burlesque classes Cardiff

This was a great class! Already can’t wait for the second class – Dance Base student, burlesque classes Edinburgh

Teacher was friendly and welcoming, she made you feel at ease even if you were a bit uncomfortable. Good pace and interesting. Really fun and relaxed atmosphere, didn’t feel any pressure to get everything spot on which was a relief, an excellent teacher – Dance Base student, burlesque classes Edinburgh

Just wanted to say thanks to Viva and Gypsy for all you have done. Before coming along to your summer workshops, I had no dancing skills whatsoever, and wouldn’t have imagined for a second I would be doing a dance along with all the other girls as part of a show! – ‘Sugar Kane’, burlesque workshop Glasgow

Just wanted to thank you both for the fantastic time my friend and I had at your summer workshops. When we first started, little did we know that we would end up on stage at The Barrowlands, having met so many lovely friendly, genuine girls (and two gorgeous GIs)! We had a wonderful time and it was absolutely brilliant at the show. We had such a high that lasted for days. Not to mention the great sense of achievement and, well, just the fun of it all – Emma G, burlesque workshops Glasgow

Just I loved my training with Viva Misadventure. I learned so much! She was really good at explaining the routines and I can’t wait to train more. I was also so impressed at her attitude and love of burlesque. Her enthusiasm really carried me through when I doubted myself and got tired – Sam B, burlesque workshop London

Hi Viva, I loved your class in Ipswich, thank you for you for you loveliness and fun!! When I got home I thought how the icing on the cake would have been if you did a performance at the end to inspire and delight, would that be something you could do another time? – Miss Tallulah Buttons, burlesque workshop Ipswich

A friend and I have just finished the Beginners course in burlesque with Viva and we wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed it. We really did not know what to expect and were a little scared at the prospect of baring any flesh! Viva was however great and put us at ease from the start allowing everyone to dance the way they felt comfortable. I did not know what I would take away from the course when I started it but after 12 (very quick) weeks I have had a great confidence boost and a lot of laughs. There is a lot more to burlesque that I initially thought and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about it – Dance Base student, burlesque classes Edinburgh

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the burlesque workshop in Belfast. It was amazing and really nice to meet you Gypsy, hope you had as much fun at the Miss Tease competition as we all had performing  – Mia Amore, burlesque workshop Belfast

I was at the Academy of Burlesque’s Beginners Burlesque at Dance City in February. This is the third workshop I have been to provided by Viva and Gypsy and am already booked for Fan Dancing in March. I just wanted to say that all three workshops have been fabulous fun and I have thoroughly enjoyed every single second! Viva gives you a class full of fun and laughter and her enthusiasm is contagious. Please keep them coming, I’m sure there are plenty of people like me out there who will return time and time again – Joanne D, burlesque workshop Newcastle

What a fantastic night we had on Friday. BonBon was absolutely fantastic, classy, enthusiastic, funny and just what we needed for our event. It was such a good night and so many people were interested in doing more. Please pass on my thanks to BonBon and I am very grateful for all your help – Lara J, burlesque workshop Colchester

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful support of the event and the charity. Your teaching performance was amazing, and we know it made a huge difference to our guests’ enjoyment of the event – Valerie R, burlesque workshop Glasgow, The Swish for Scottish Huntingdon’s Association